When I was a teenager, I used to watch a lot of movies (I still do) and created an expectation of guys based on them.
Apparently, all of them had a common theme: The guy devotes himself to her and does everything she ever wants. Gives up everything for her. Makes her happy by sacrificing a lot of things as a means of showing love. That was also what a guy expects from a girl.
As I went through college, work, exploring my career and friendships, I understood one thing:
The expectation I created for myself was very wrong. I basically expected a co-dependent, clingy, insecure and needy person.
Truth is, I don’t want a co-dependent, clingy, insecure and needy person who wants me to sacrifice things dear to me to prove my love or to devote my time to him. I work a lot. I need a lot of “me” time. For me, career is important, and so are friends and deep connections with them. I need all these to be myself. And these, are exactly opposite of what I earlier expected from a partner.
Now, the expectation is simple: someone who treats me like the person I am.
I can’t speak for every woman, but for me, a man who is secure enough to let me be who I am is perfect.